Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Report on Therapeutic Cloning - 1109 Words

Argumentative Paper - Therapeutic Cloning A sheep named Dolly is the first thing to come to mind when the term cloning arises. Everyone remembers the hoopla or has read of the hoopla that surrounded the birth and survival of the first successfully cloned animal. This is because cloning, to some, is a questionable practice at best. In general terms, cloning is the replication of another animal. It is a process whereby an identical twin is created in a lab. However, cloning is not limited to replicating animals. After all, it starts with the simple replication of one cell. It is these cells that are used in therapeutic cloning. To many, this scientific process and its results is the stuff of sci-fi movies and quite frightening. To others, it is morally reprehensible and unethical if not downright illegal. Yet, to those who are gravely ill and grasping for life through the latest scientific methods to sustain their life or improve a life which has been made unbearable through disease or an accident, it is a miracle. Initially, it is important to understand the different types of cloning. They include DNA cloning, therapeutic cloning, and reproductive cloning. In laymans terms, DNA cloning is the replication of specific DNA fragments. Reproductive cloning is the creation of an exact replica of an organism (plant or animal). Therapeutic cloning is the process of replicating identical cells from an individual. Scientifically, DNA cloning is described by the Human GenomeShow MoreRelated Reproductive and Therapeutic Cloning Essay example1484 Words   |  6 PagesReproductive and Therapeutic Cloning Cloning is defined as the â€Å"creation of an exact copy of a living matter, such as a cell or organism† according to Encarta encyclopedia. The copies produced through cloning have identical genetic makeup and are known as clones. Scientists use cloning techniques in the laboratory to create copies of cells or organisms with valuable traits. Cloning is a controversial topic because new areas of science often raise questions about safety. Early experimentRead MoreCloning Pros And Cons Of Cloning1147 Words   |  5 Pages Cloning Pros Cons Nicole Hedrick Baker College HSC 402A /Dr. Eric Oestmann/Seminar Two Position/Argument Essayâ€Æ' Abstract A clone is where two organisms share the same exact DNA. These two organisms are the same identical replica of each other. In the past, cloning has taken place naturally. For instance, a couple who naturally conceived and gave birth to identical twins or triplets. Today, science and technology has been introduced to where cloning can intentionally be done. Some peopleRead MorePros And Cons Of Cloning909 Words   |  4 PagesFor quite some time, cloning has been a largely debated topic in society. Most people in the U.S. feel like cloning is morally wrong and takes innocent lives, but others think that it is beneficial and could be a big advancement in modern science. Cloning to produce humans has been outlawed in most countries, but in some, cloning for therapeutic reasons is still a dispute. Cloning can lead to revolutionary medical treatments such as cures for cancer, diabetes, Parkinsons, Alzheimers, MultipleRead More Cloning: What is the right thing to do? Essay1362 Words   |  6 Pages Multiple Source Essay Cloning: What is the Right thing to do? Cloning offers many applications, especially in medicine, however, in spite of the many advantages, many people still consider the idea of human cloning, and the practice of cloning all together to be immoral. 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This causes a large amount of unease in society, because people fear that stem cells and therapeutic cloning will lead us into disgusting and horrible experimental practices, as well as therapies. Most people in America do not want this horrible vision of the future to come true, so they want all stem cell technology and research banned. PeopleRead MoreNuclear Transfer And Its Effect On The Body Of A Surrogate Mother1355 Words   |  6 Pagesseparated from the embryo mass, the cell is encased in its own protective synthetic layer. Each blastomere cell, is now considered a new separate embryo and is cultured in vitro and later in vivo in a surrogate mother until birth (Roberge, 2004). Cloning by nuclear transfer is based on the concept that the animal’s genome is located in the cell nucleus. The only exception to this is the small amount of DNA of 16, 000 base pairs found in the mitochondria. In this process the genetic material from oneRead More Embryonic vs. Adult Stem Cells in Research Essay1615 Words   |  7 PagesUnited States Senate to outlaw human cloning (S.790). Indeed, the New York Times and Washington Post consider embryonic-stem-cell research so important - including the manufacture and use of human-clone embryos in such experiments - that both have repeatedly editorialized in favor of turning the throttle full-speed ahead on this immoral endeavor. Yet, when the potentially crucial discovery of an adult cell that could make embryonic destruction and therapeutic cloning unnecessary comes to light - andRead MoreEssay on Organ Donation1638 Words   |  7 Pages000 people waiting for an organ transplant. The demand for donation far exceeds the supply. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reports that the donor waiting list has doubled in the last 10years (Clemmons, 2009). Why then are we not doing more to solve this problem? There are some alternatives to donation. Alternatives include, Therapeutic Cloning, Xenotransplation, selling of organs, and atrificial organs in the future. Organ donation is the only legal way to procure an organ for transplant

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