Monday, May 25, 2020

Impact Of The Public Sector On National Welfare Services

Introduction â€Å"[M]ore than US$ 100 billion is spent globally on health research each year. About half of this is in the private sector†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (WHO 2013, p. 45). This statement in the report of World Health Organization (WHO) shows how important the public sector is in health policies and health researches nowadays. Since 1970, many reforms and changes in social policy have been brought up to respond to the increasing role of business demands in national policy (Farnsworth and Holden 2006). According to Farnsworth and Holden (2006), the shift of policy makers’ concerns to national competitiveness, the impact of globalisation, the influence of business concepts in the welfare management, and the introduction of the public sector in national welfare services are the main factors indicating how the corporate sector gains more influence in the policy process. To identify the corporate power in different levels of decision-making, Farnsworth and Holden (2006) suggest tha t the division between structure and agency will be beneficial for clarifying the variable aspects of corporate power in regards to the different in policy processes and areas. Alcohol industry, one of significant corporate sectors in global economy, is a very interesting industry in applying the division between structure and agency to analyse the increasing influence of the commercial sector in health policy. On the ground that the market share of alcohol industry based on top 10 companies had increased rapidly fromShow MoreRelatedChild Welfare Services Is A Social Work1740 Words   |  7 Pagesneglect in 2011 (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2012). 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